Monday, January 14, 2008

An Update....Sort Of

Today we received an update. Not the news we wanted though :(

Apparently there are some small mistakes on Drew's paperwork. Jynger says it's nothing to worry about. Apparently it's typos that need to be corrected. They will supposedly be corrected this week. If that happens, then we'll be on Step 7. This shouldn't delay our process, but we need to anticipate the longer time frame. Jynger still thinks March or April travel are very do-able. April? I'm so totally not prepared for April. March is bad enough, but April? Oh is what it is. I'm pretty bummed, but it will be fine in the end.

Our pastor, Deron Spoo, has a minute on one of our local TV stations each morning. This morning his message was about "worry". How timely for me. Philippians 4:6-7 says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in EVERY situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

My lunch break is over, so I need to compose myself and get back to work.


Cindy, Chuck, and Rhett said...

Hang in there - I know how hard the wait is.

Julie said...

Oh this really is the hardest part of waiting. Seeing that picture and then just wanting to hold him in your arms.

Keeping you all in our thoughts today and everyday.

lori said...

Nadra, I'm so sorry to hear about your update. We are thinking of you.

Leigh said...

I am sorry to hear about your delay, but I am thankful they found the mistake now. You have to know it is so much better now than later!!

You are in my thoughts! Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Amen sister I am with you I guess we are not the only ones crawling through the 12 steps. I finally emailed Jynger to see if we had a problem??I have also been focusing on God's peace but it is one day at a time. Praying for God's speed.

stormy (growing slightly impatient)

Pam said...

Wait a minute Nadra...I thought this was Vietnam not India!?
*Sigh* You'd think the second time around would be a bit better, no? I hate it that you are stuck waiting again....Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Your new son is a doll, Austin would be so honored by his name.
We read your blog to keep up with your process, it will be sooner than you think. Just keep in mind one child makes you a parent, two makes you a referee. (that coming from one with a whistle in her hand.) We loved the Christmas card, you have been blessed with two beautiful children.

Jill and Andy said...

Nadra, praying that things look up and speed up for you. Your family and little one are in our thoughts and prayers!!!

Dianna said...

Nadra, I know it's small comfort, but be glad that Dillon is correcting the errors now rather than having an official in Vietnam catch them while you're there. Drew is already in your heart and it won't be long until he's in your arms! Thinking of you until then...

Jessica said...

dontcha love how it took them this long to figure that out. GRRR I hate tohear that for you guys! I am praying you get some forward movement soon!!!

Willis said...

I was right where you were a year ago. In Jan, April felt so far away. We ended up traveling the first of March. Don't let them convince you Tet slows things down. Sometimes it actually speeds things up. It happened in our case. Keep your chin up. Every day is one day closer.

Heather (Rocco's mom)

Bob said...

I agree with you, Nadra. I've got my hopes set on March, too. I hope things speed along after the correction.
Carla C

Anonymous said...

Nadra...your bfitwww never stops thinking of you....and I hope your wait goes quickly and sooner then you think Drew will be in your me

www.beyond said...

Nadra I am praying that this is resolved quickly. Your sons are so handsome!