Thursday, March 6, 2008

Trying To Remain Positive

It's not working. I'm trying hard to see the positive side in all of these delays. It's not happening. I can't understand why it's taking so long. I know that it's in God's perfect timing....I KNOW THAT. But....that's not helping this mommy's heart that's breaking right now and it's not helping a sad, sad daddy.

Yesterday we received word that our I-600 paperwork had indeed been returned to our agency staff in Vietnam. Today....we heard that our 60 days for approval will start when the paperwork is resubmitted. What? It's already been there since October it has to start all over again? Unreal. So.....instead of what we thought would be a March...maybe April travel date is looking more and more like May or June. I can't believe this and I can't get my heart around it. We got Drew's referral when he was a little over 2 months old. We had so hoped we'd have him home by the time he was 6 or 7 months old. But now...geeesh...I'm just praying that we have him home for his first birthday.

I'm incredibly disappointed, sad, mad, irritated and just totally beat. We just want our baby!!!!


Kristi W. said...

Yikes, Nadra! That is horrible news. I'll be praying for your family and speedy approval for that I-600. You need a miracle!!. Check out Amy's post for today ( It's really good for those who are waiting. You're going to make it through this trial! Soon you will have your family together and what a glorious day that will be!!!!

Kristi (Daya's mama)

Bob said...

I'm so sorry to hear this news!

Carla C

Leigh said...

Man, my heart really goes out to you guys. That is tough news to hear and accept. You are in my prayers this evening!

Willis said...

I can't believe that! I can only imagine how upset/mad/disappointed you are. There's no sense in it when Drew has a loving home just waiting on him. I'm sorry to hear this; you're in my prayers.

Heather (Rocco's mom)

Julie said...

This has been such a tough week for all of you. Just hoping this gets straigtenend out so you don't have to wait another 60 days.

Lisa said...

Nadra, that really stinks! I'm so sorry to hear about the longer wait. You are in my prayers.
Lisa O

Heather M. said...

Nadra, I too hope you do not have to wait the additional 60 days. I am praying for you & your family during this trying time. The adoption process is never smooth, but it seems as though you've had more than your share of "bumps"!
Heather M.

Heather said...

Nadra! I'm so dissapointed for you. I really hope that there is a way around another 60 day wait. Prayer works. We'll keep praying....

Jill and Andy said...

Sending thoughts, prayers and hugs your way Nadra. Wish I could say or do something to make it all better for you!

Beth said...

Oh, Nadra - I'm so sorry! We're praying that somehow it will be cleared up and that you don't have to wait that long for your little guy.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you and Charlie. My prayers will continue to be with you.

Hang in there - you are a very strong woman and can handle this. You are one of the strongest women I know.

God Bless.

Tricia and Kirk said...

Well yuck! That just stinks. I'm praying for speedy officials.