Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ten Things I've Learned

Looking back over my posts from the last few weeks, I see a common theme.....misery. So, I'm trying to think of something positive to post. Nothing is really coming to mind. But, I thought I'd try to come up with 10 Things I've Learned during this adoption process.

1. Don't compare time only causes heartache and frustration.
2. Expecting things to go smoothly all of the time is unrealistic.
3. Relax and enjoy the small triumphs...there have been a few.
4. Take time for your family because it will never be the same again.
5. Ask questions and if you're still unsure...ask again.
6. No matter how much I think I'm in control, I'm not.
7. Don't buy baby clothes early because by the time you actually travel, they may be too small.
8. Prepare for the long end of the estimated time from log in date to travel. Then if it happens earlier....woo, hoo...celebration time.
9. Pray for my children more and more.
10. Submit to God's will. This is HIS plan and it WILL happen when HE says it's time. Boy that's a hard one when you're in the thick of the frustration and delays. But, we have some wonderful friends around us that pray and support us through this.

Surprisingly, I'm amazingly calm this week. Not sure exactly how that's happening. Who am I kidding? I know precisely what's going on. Many prayers are going up on our behalf and God is putting his loving arms around us and keeping me calm.

Those same loving arms are also wrapped around little Drew. God also has wonderful nannies that care for and love Drew until his mommy and daddy can bring him home. How awesome to think that God's arms are wrapped around me, the nannies and Drew all at the same time. Pretty powerful stuff.


Heidi said...

Nadra, You are right. There are LOTS of prayers going up for your family right now. I did the same. I blogged about other, more positive things this morning.

Keep us posted!


Leigh said...

I am glad you feeling a little peace. I continue to pray for you and all the waiting families.

Hang in there!

Heather M. said...

Nadra, it is so good that you shared this! I think that many of us learn the same lessons along the path of adoption...many of them apply to life in general. It's just our turn to learn them. Hang on & continue on! Enjoy your days with Ian & Drew will be here soon! He's just so cute! I too want to travel sooner than later, of course! We'll just see what the plan is as it unfolds. Timelines...BLAH! It's so hard not to compare!

Heather M.

Amanda said...

I'm so glad that you found peace. It is so hard to come to. I'm not sure if I found it while waiting for Ananya or if my spirit finally just broke. Hoping for your travel dates soon.

Anonymous said...

I really hope you hear some good news soon and can get Drew home. Those are some great lessons to keep in mind being so early in the process.

Unknown said...

Your family is in our prayers also. I feel your pain.. I know you share ours! You are in a worse place as you actually could be traveling very very soon. It's so hard waiting through the last phases. But.. it will be over soon and you will have that little angel in your arms!!

Hold on.. we can't wait to hear good news.

Kathy Cassel said...

It's the same for every adoptive parent. Over a year ago we went into a Haitian adoption not knowing it was currently running TWO YEARS to get a child home ONCE the dossier was submitted. Augh.

Hope your little boy will be home soon.