Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wake Up Call

Ever have one of those moments in church when you know God is speaking directly to one else...just you? Well, I had one of those moments today. God gave Deron the words to speak directly to me. I don't know if anyone else needed Deron's message today...but I certainly did.

Acts 17: 26-27...From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.

That scripture has a lot packed into it. But, in the margin of my bible today I wrote one of the tidbits from Deron's message. "If you believe God is good, you must believe his timing is right". WOW....that hit me in the gut. See what I mean? God sent this message today just for me to hear. I know that God is so, so good and why do I ever question? It's that human heart He gave me. But...I KNOW....and today I'm SURE....God's timing is right. No one besides God determines the beginning and the end. God knows exactly who our child is, when he was born and when he'll be revealed to us.

Thank you God for Deron and his message alone God knew that Nadra in Tulsa, Oklahoma needed to hear these words today. Thank you God for allowing us to be human, but then also reminding us that you, and you alone, are in control.


The Labontes said...

Nadra, thank you for sharing the message you recieved today. It's so true, but hard to remember at certain points of this journey.

(waiting for Max's legals)

Bill, Paula & Will Cook said...

We're in the same place, Ms. Nadra! I don't know why we're both gonna be waiting a bit longer than expected, but I'm just so glad that God does know! He's got bigger, higher, greater things for us than we could ever ask or imagine - I'm hanging on to that one right now, and figuring that I'd better be ready, 'cause the best is yet to come! :)

Laura said...

I remember just how hard that wait is! While you'll soon be able to look back and see how perfectly God has orchestrated everything, the process is trying! While we were waiting, I clung to Psalm 84:11 which says "no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly." If we're really following Him and don't have something (ie. a baby!), it's because the thing we desire would not be good for us at that time. I'll be praying for you as you learn to trust Him, and will hope along with you that your lesson will be short.

Pam said...

Although I'm not waiting for referral #2....I'm going through so much out of my control with our move that I can hardly contain my OCD! Thank you for the reminder. You'd think that the two of us type a's would have learned something the FIRST time around, huh? I guess God isn't finished with us yet.
Hugs friend.

S. said...

Great message, I needed it too!

Cindy, Chuck, and Rhett said...

Great post! I'm looking forward to when you get the referral - whatever the timing is :)

Anonymous said...

Patience is not a strong suite of mine either--please know we are praying for you every step of the way. Give Ian a huge hug and kiss.