Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Doctors Appointment

Drew's one year check up was today (well yesterday technically). Dr. Sood said he is "perfect"...but we already knew that :) He weighs 21 lbs 10 oz. and is 29 1/4 inches tall. He's in the 20th percentile in both weight and height. He seems big, but I guess he's not. I think he's big for a Vietnamese baby...but not so much on the American charts. We go tomorrow for a battery of lab work. It'll probably take at least 2 visits to the lab to get it all done. I know it has to be done, but I just hate the thought of him being stuck. We'll go back to see Dr. Sood in about 3 weeks for results. We just love Dr. Sood. He makes us feel like we have the only baby in the world. Drew did great. He did get 3 shots today and the first one, he didn't even cry...but when she got him with number crying began. He's been a little fussy this evening...but overall doing fine.

He's been extremely vocal today. He's watching and listening to Ian all the time. Scary.

Off to bed...lots to do in the next couple of days.


lori said...

We knew he was perfect, but it is good to hear that he is perfectly healthy too! Sadie is also 21 pounds - they share those NT chubby cheeks! Best of luck at the lab....I know it's hard for us mommies!

Anonymous said...

So chubby cheeks are a NT thing? lol Faye definitely has them too! Poor baby though about the shots... those always kill me more. :(

Candice said...

Yeah! You know they are ok, but it is just nice to hear a doctor confirm it. :) I'm glad Drew and Ian are both doing so well. The two weeks have flown by I'm sure.